I waited to do this post till after the Doctor so I could get accurate numbers......yeah and also the fact I have no time with school and kids and laundry and keeping the house up and appointments blah, blah, blah......but honestly, he did just go on Friday, only 5 days ago, so I'm not that far behind. And I LOVE being at home with my babies and know the days will go by oh so quickly.
Lathan weighs in at 21 lbs and a couple ounces he is 30 inches long, making him 75% for weight and 95% for height. He is the BEST baby in the world, I mean it. People tell me all the time how easy he is and believe me I know. I've had my share of hard babies. So what is Lathan doing:
-Pulling Up
-Pointing at objects, when I ask where they are
-Saying Dada, not Momma!?!
-Giving kisses
-Giving big wet kisses
-And being very entertaining to us all, he's the funny boy of the house:)
Oh, and I only have my final project to turn in next week and I'm done with the class I'm taking. I had to design a website. I was given several options as to what my website would be about, and one of them was blogging, yippy yeah! Of course I chose blogging. I have a high A in the class, so I'm hoping, this final project will keep me at that A. Wish me luck:) Only 4 more classes and I will be able to start my freelancing as a web designer, from HOME:)