Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blog Slacker!

I have had quite a busy week. The girls are doing Vacation Bible School from 8:45-12:00 every day this week so I have taken full advantage of the freedom. Ryan suggested I get a pedicure because I deserve it......but honestly I think he saw my attempt of toe nail painting and new I needed professional help. So, Monday after dropping clothes off to the consignment store I got a manicure and a pedicure at this place my friend Holly always raves about. It was so nice.....I was in there almost 2 hours!! Oops. On, Tuesday I had the oil changed in the van, something I could of done with the girls, but it was so much easier with just me. Then, I went shopping for a dress to wear to my shower this weekend. I bought a couple things from Old Navy but couldn't find a dress. I went to the dressing room at least 4 times with at least 9 items in hand. I am so glad there is no limit to items you can take in there. So, today I went to Destination Maternity. I found 5 dresses and had to narrow it down to 1 and 2 other shirts! I was thrilled. I know I only have a little over 2 weeks left but NONE of my shirts fit. My stomach shows at the bottom and this isn't Hollywood so I can't get away with it! Tomorrow I am supposed to meet a friend for brunch and Friday I have a doctors appt. So, I have been very busy this week doing things I want and need to get done without children and it has been nice. I have been very lazy with the blogging thing but boy, I am exhausted by the time I get home at 12:30. I try to take the girls to the pool a couple times a week in the afternoons but it is just so darn HOT! I just wanted to do a quick....or not so quick update or excuse for not blogging. I will let you know how the doctor's goes and of course my shower! Have a good rest of the week.