One Day Old
Oh, my Baby Boy, where did this last year go? You are such a blessing from God. I remember the day I found out you were a boy, I was overwhelmed with excitment and Daddy, he was jumping around, shouting words of happiness, not that we would of been upset if you were a girl, but we didn't realise how much we wanted a boy, until God gave us one.
Born July 14, 2008 at 8:14. You weighted in at 8lbs and 14 ozs. and you were 21 inches long, what a big guy, but still so little. Now, a year later, you weight 23.9 lbs and you are 31 1/2 inches long. You are such a happy boy, but definitely a momma's boy. You love playing with your sisters and dancing. You are can light up any room. You smile and wave at everybody. You love to share, especially your food, you offer it to any and everyone. You walk very well, while pushing a toy or holding on to furniture. You should be walking any day, but I prefer for you to wait a little while longer. You say, mamamama, and dada. You also say Daisy (our cat), Izzy (grandma's dog), ouch...not sure where you picked that up, probably your sisters fighting. You love to give kisses, especially to me, I'm so lucky. Still not sleeping through the night, but you do go to bed by 8pm, wake between 4-5am and nurse and then go back to sleep till 7am. You still take a 2 hour morning nap and a 2 hour afternoon nap, which is so nice...for me! You are such a perfect fit for our family, so loving and layed back. You are a lot like your Daddy. We love you so much Lathan, and can't believe it's been a year. Happy Birthday, Boy!