Wednesday, July 30, 2008

2 Weeks Old!

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks......the time has flowin by, I can't remember life without my precious Baby Boy! He is the BEST baby ever. I had 2 pretty hard babies, Kiley had a milk allergy and Emma Grace didn't sleep through the night until she was 18 months old. I guess the third times the charm:) in many departments (Ryan got his boy)! He sleeps about 3-4 hours a night and he naps off and on throughout the day. He has been to several outings and never makes a peek. He really is a great baby and we have yet to hear him I better not be jinxing myself, but I feel pretty lucky to be his mommy! Oh, and the girls are the best big sisters ever, they absolutely adore him. And daddy is just in love with his "Little Man". We have been BLESSED.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jessica! He is so beautiful. The next time we come to town I would love to meet your little fella in person :)

Linda Warren said...

Jess, wow what beautiful kids! I love them all, and Lathan is adorable. (Not because he is my Grandson, and looks like me) but just because he really is. Love ya, Mom