Tuesday, February 26, 2008

19 weeks left!

So I am starting to freak...only 19 weeks left, it seems long but boy the first part of my pregnancy just flew by! Since our house is on the market I can't start doing things in the nursery. Unfortunately, I have been going baby shopping to make up for that. I can get such great winter deals for the baby for next fall/winter right now. I have been to Belk's, Gymboree, Gap, Childrens Place, Tj Maxx and of course Target, which I have purchased some type of clothing for "the baby". Ryan is about to kill me but it is my only way of preparing....I can't go in the nursery and paint or start to decorate. I am a planner so this is driving me CRAZY! We have thought about taking our house off the market, it is so stressful, I keep it spotless 24/7...I am literally making the beds with my family still in them! So, it probably would be some what tight if we stayed here but my mental state would be a lot better. Kiley can go in with Emma Grace (that was why we got bunk beds) and I can start preparing for this sooner than later arrival. Plus I really LOVE my house, it is just the way I want it(except the master bedroom, looks like the day we moved in) and the house we were looking at is new construction so there would so much work to make it mine, with a newborn and the 2 girls I could do it but it would just be a lot on my plate. So, now that I have vented I actually feel a lot better! I just need to remember God is in control and he might not answer on our time but he is never late!


4torock said...

I can't believe only 19 weeks left!!! WOW- I am so praying for you and the house ( I can't even keep my house clean and no one is checkin it out!)..... whatever you guys decide it will work out in the end!! :) love ya- se ya around!! Maybe at Target?? lol!!